About Us
Seiscenter SA -based on Buenos Aires, Argentina and subsidiaries in South America – operates since 2000 focused on seismic processing, integration of geological-geophysical databases and especially on subsurface model generation through pre-stack depth migration.
Hardware and software capacities are primary concerns. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that dedication, professional background and experience must be the main asset. Full-time dedication and knowledge of geophysical techniques are the bases to determine success or failure in specialized studies.
Seiscenter’s aim is to integrate work experience with client insight so as to improve exploration and production achievements. From its inception Seiscenter has succeeded in the task of maintaining high quality, efficiency and professional ethics in their customer’s service.
Staff training, upgrading, technology and reinvestment have been the foremost strategies adopted to meet the needs of the petroleum industry.
Seiscenter’s competitiveness relies on the appropriate implementation of these policies.
Our People – Leadership & Senior Staff
Seiscenter Argentina: Héctor Clérici (hclerici@seiscenter.com.ar)
Seiscenter Bolivia: Daniel Justo (djusto@seiscenter.com.ar)
Ruben Guevara (roguevara@seiscenter.com.ar) – Martín Alayón (malayon@seiscenter.com.ar) – Ignacio Lescano (ilescano@seiscenter.com.ar) – Marcos Clérici (mclerici@seiscenter.com.ar) – Daniel Fusaro (danielfusaro@seiscenter.com.ar)
Among a group of the finest regional Geophysicists, Geologists, Surveyors and independent Consultants who regularly collaborate with us.

Our services include a range of technologies to provide state-of-the-art Seismic Processing.
Seismic Processing: Propietary
Other Geological and Geophysical Services
Alsina 756 1º Fl – C1087AAL Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Argentina
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(54-11) 4345-0566